ISSUE #22 | One Life. Live it well.
28.05.2016 | 6 - 9 pm
Holmes Place Schlossstraße
Schildhornstrasse 1 | 12163 Berlin

Installation view

Lucia Bachner & Alex Chalmers, Meghan Edwards, Gully Havoc, Lotti Hirsch,
Joey Holder, Kim Laughton, Natasja Loutchko, Claudia Maté, Jillian Mayer,
Georgy Maysuradze, Julius Metzger, Stine Omar, Eva Papamargariti, Lewk Wilmshurst

sometimes you have a slow connection
that’s ok
sometimes you have a slow heart
that’s ok too

train your limbs
they will carry the fast choice
train your heart
it’s pumping more than iron

The gym(nasiom) was formerly a learning and training facility in ancient Greece. It was a place to socialize and engage in philosophical pursuits. The facility tied relation between athletics, education and health played a core role within social and spiritual life. Physical education was considered as important as cognitive learning. Public libraries were often nearby. Yet it was exclusively open only for young men over 18.

The terms training and coaching are generally used for processes that are supposed to alter a current state. They are systematically repeated activities with the aim to improve the physical, cognitive or emotional constitution - to gain strength, to feel more comfortable, to enhance reaction in a given situation - and basically change a state from A to B.

The emotional and neurally evoked willingness to act, in order to reach a desired object or goal can be described as motivation. Purposeful behavior is caused by needs. Needs are individual. Nevertheless, they cannot be read independently from collective, socially shaped conditions. The ability to achieve personal or predetermined goals can be understood as performance.
Prepare for what? Enhance for whom? Measure it how?

Bite the bullet and join for a rejuvenating work out. Treat yourself. You don’t want to exercise cold muscles. Feel free to use anything available: Pool, Saunas, Jacuzzi, Power Plate machines (if relevant), spinning and gym area. We advice to wear light, comfortable clothing that is breathable and allows you to move freely. Please ensure that your choice of clothing does not make others uncomfortable. Closed-toe shoes (cross trainers or running shoes) must be worn in the gym at all times.

Shape your shape.
Become your extensions.
This moment is yours.
Fun and mental is fundamental.
You can work it out.
Bush your boundaries.

Sincerely yours,
Carb, fat & protein

Free entrance. Work out is not mandatory.
Slippers are provided. Please bring headphones.

With kind support of
Holmes Place Schlossstraße